Have you ever considered using articles and reports as a fresh source of content for your blog or marketing website? These can be written either by you, or by a third party. They should be pertinent to the subject of focus of your site, at least vaguely.
There are many sources for articles, which a quick search will provide hundreds if not thousands of results. Some you can use for free, others may require a small fee to publish on your site. The primary factor to consider in choosing an article is quality. After that, relativity is most important. You don't want to distract the visitors to your site with an article that leaves them scratching their head and wondering why in the world you posted it there.
Many of the article providers offer RSS feeds. You can select specific authors, or subjects to have fed to your site. You should choose to receive feeds on a regular basis, at least every third day, every other day is even better. The more often your content is updated, the better the search engines like it.
I will have more info and specific references in future posts. For now, go do a search and see what you can find.
If by chance you don't already have a website, you can get your domain name and hosting at http://www.jjdomains.com
Perhaps you will find an article available on a subject of interest to you. In that event, you can start a site with third party authored articles, then occasionally write something of your own. You may find you enjoy it.
'Til next time, keep on marketing!