Sunday, October 30, 2005

Save $5 Get 50 Private Label Articles and 10 Reports (Limited Time Offer)


This is Jonathan Myers.


I was speaking with Cody Moya the other day
(a well-known Internet Marketer), and I convinced
him to arrange a special deal for my subscribers.

What is this deal about?

You can save $5.00 every month on the membership fee
of $29.97 for the life of your membership
But this deal is good only when you use the coupon
found by following the link below.

This coupon is valid only for the next 72 hours
You must act NOW. After Nov.1,it's gone...

If you get your membership using the coupon, your
low membership fee will remain locked at $24.97
for as long as you are a member.

If you are in a hurry use the link below now:


Here is your $5 discount coupon code: 01660C79F5

You have heard the old saying ‘Content is King’.

Content is the text and images of your website.
The text is the most important for searches;
search engines like Yahoo and Google seek out
keywords and phrases that can only be found in
text content on websites.

Some people are confident enough in their own
writing ability to go ahead and write their own
content articles. More often, though, marketers
and webmasters either don't have the time or
the skills to write articles to load online.

Good News, You don't have to write
your own articles anymore.

Instead, you can get articles written by
talented writers and yes, you're allowed to put
your own name on these articles as the author.

That is why Cody Moya's was
created, to provide 250 Private Label Articles
within targeted niche markets.

Go there to find out 11 ways you could begin using
private label articles to jumpstart your business today.


Here is your $5 discount coupon code: 01660C

After you join, you will instantly get 500 private label articles:

- 50 articles about Time Management

- 50 articles about Dog Training

- 50 articles about Eat Healthier

- 50 articles about Credit Repair

- 50 articles about Dream Interpretation

- 50 articles about Flower Gardening

- 50 articles about Cat Training

- 50 articles about Mental Health

- 50 articles about Wellness and Fitness

- 50 articles about Losing Weight

But that’s not all, you will also instantly get
10 private label reports ready to sell with sales
letters and cover graphics:

- A Guide to Time Management

- A Guide to Dog Training

- A Guide to Healthier Eating

- A Guide to Credit Repair

- A Guide to Dream Interpretation

- A Guide to Flower Gardening

- A Guide to Cat Training

- A Guide to Mental Health

- A Guide to Wellness and Fitness

- A Guide to Losing Weight

Here is your $5 discount coupon code: 01660C79F5

If you read this notice too late to use coupon I am sorry.

Use the link below now.

Jonathan Myers

P.S. To make things more profitable for you Cody
is limiting the number of people who can join to 1000 and
once that number is met he will cut off memberships.


Here is your $5 discount coupon code: 01660C79F5

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Marketing Benefits of Using RSS Feeds for Business

Perhaps you still don't realize or fully understand the power of RSS Feeds as a marketing tool.

After all, email works fine, doesn't it?

Unfortunately, the truth is:

1. It's getting harder to send e-mails to the prospect's inbox because of SPAM filters

2. People are getting numbed by the amount of e-mails they receive everyday

3. People are not reading their e-mails

4. It's getting harder to get people to opt-in or subscribe to your newsletter or content.

With RSS feeds, this changes the playing field:

1. RSS feeds can bypass email - Eat your hearts out! Rss feeds can be read by desktop software and delivered right to your prospect everytime they turn on their PC

2. RSS feeds allow you to syndicate content rich news in your niche market and attract targeted prospects

3. People who subscribe to newsfeeds are generally in the higher income bracket and educated. They want to find news and information to solve their problems. Can that person be YOU?

4. E-mail doesn't allow you to brand yourself all over the Net. With RSS feeds, your content gets circulated/sydnicated and you can brand yourself as an expert.

5. RSS feeds can be submitted to RSS feeds directories, which will list your site within 24 hours which measn more traffic for you

These are just some of the few examples of the use of RSS feeds you can use in your marketing.

What are you waiting for? My Video Course cuts to the chase and shows you in VIDEO how to start a blog, create a feed, track it, list it in Yahoo, submit it and mORE..

If you're a complete newbie to Blogs and Rss, I'd suggest you get a copy of "Marketing Rampage with Blogs and RSS\" now.

Get your own Free Rebrandable "Marketing With Blogs and RSS" Special Report for massive viral profits.


Brandon Hong

Brandon is author of "Wordpress Videos". Learn the strategies, techniques of
building your profit pulling niche blogs with Wordpress. He is also author of Clickbank's best seller "Marketing Rampage with Blogs and RSS" Videos and Audio e-book "Blogs and Rss Revealed".

Monday, October 24, 2005

History Making Marketing Launch!!

Dear Fellow Marketer

I am passing this on to you because you are
someone who I like &trust. You deserve to
own a spot on my team before everything happens.
I do not have ALL of the details yet, but I can
tell you that this has been in the works for
over 3 years and is finally happening. PLEASE
trust me and get a spot by activating a voucher
that I can GIVE you. It is not going to cost
you a DIME. I only have a few weeks to give
away these vouchers and want you to take a position
on my team.
If you would like to take advantage of this offer,
please email me at the following address:

Put "Request Voucher" in the subject line
and I will email you a special code and link
where you can activate a free voucher and
be given a position at no cost. This is not
going to always be like this. Please do this now>

Once you have requested your $199.00 Silver Voucher,
(for free!)I will send you more information about
a new Marketing Alliance that will absolutely turn
the marketing world buzz into a scream. But for now,
take the first step to get into this tremendous
opportunity ahead of a group of over 50,000 that
will soon be put into our downline. They will be in
YOUR downline if you take me up on this offer now.

DO NOT put this off any longer, it could change your
life forever. Email me NOW at:

Jonathan Myers
Internet Marketing Coach

Friday, October 21, 2005

Why Bother To Proofread?

The Single Biggest Reason Why You Absolutely Must Proofread
Your Writing, Plus 10 Hints To Help You Do It Better
- By Nona Langley

The single biggest reason why you absolutely must proofread
your work is a very simple one:


The old adage about only getting one chance to make a first
impression is seldom more important than it is with the
written word. Get it wrong and it will cost you.

Imagine this - it's a hot day. You've been outside playing
sport, doing the gardening, or running with the dog.
Whatever it is, you're hot! You grab your favorite drink
from the fridge, put it to your lips and feel the cold
liquid gurgling down your throat, refreshing you. Ah,
what bliss. But then, suddenly, something catches in
your throat and you cough, spitting out your drink.
Aaarrrrggghhh! A fly! Suddenly the wonderful refreshing
feeling isn't so wonderful any more, is it? All because
of a tiny little fly. Spoils the experience, doesn't it?

Or this - you're in a theater listening to your favorite
classical piece. Someone plays a wrong note. Kinda wakes
you up doesn't it?

What happened in both of these cases is that a process
which should have been smooth suddenly wasn't, and it
spoilt the experience.

What's this got to do with writing? Everything! Whatever
you write, you write for one purpose and one only. To get
YOUR idea from YOUR HEAD into SOMEONE ELSE'S. Nothing else,
that's it.

Now, you'd have to agree, the smoother that process, the
less friction, the better the result. Pretty clear isn't

And in most cases, either directly or indirectly, sooner
or later, a "better result" means more money. When you're
trying to get something across - a sales letter, a thesis,
a novel, a business proposition - you simply can't afford
to interrupt the flow with unnecessary friction.

You must not put a fly in your reader's drink!

You must not play the wrong note when you're playing him
your sales melody!

It's a funny thing, proofreading. Readers will never say
"wow, that book had no spelling mistakes." A well-written
book, web page, article, whatever, will convey its message
without "friction." But a book, web page or article with
errors will be just like the fly, or the wrong note. The
flow of ideas will be disrupted just as surely as if you
had slapped the reader round the head . . .

And you just can't afford that disruption, because it
WILL cost you money!

Want a real, live, recent example? Within the last two
weeks, two people emailed me asking for work as a
proofreader. Presumably they want to make some money
at it. Both emails had spelling mistakes! How do you
think THAT affected their income? Big time!

Here are ten hints to help you with your proofreading:

1. Read widely and often. I doubt if there are any good
proofreaders in the world who do not read many, many books.

2. Use the spell checker. Don't rely on it, but use it
as the first step. Remember it will only check correct
spelling, not usage.

3. Don't try to correct on the screen. Print it out,
take it away from the computer and correct the hard copy.

4. Read the passage out loud. Remember, you have written
it to take an idea from your head to someone else's.
Test it! Use small pauses where you have a comma, larger
ones where you have a period. See if it sounds right.
We're not necessarily talking about schoolroom-perfect
punctuation here (well, mostly - sometimes it's critical).
Remember the only purpose of punctuation is to help get
that message to the other person. Reading out loud will
also help you spot missing or doubled words.

5. Correct it by proofing backwards. Read each word from
last to first to check spelling. That way you won't miss
a word because you got carried away by your own message!

6. Never correct your work immediately after you have
written it.

7. Avoid proofreading your own work, if you can. The
same mental processes which went into composition are
the ones you will use to correct your work.

8. Check and double check any company names, telephone
numbers or other factual information. Many advertising
pieces have been written with an incorrect contact
telephone number. That WILL cost you money!

9. When you think you've finished, run the spell
checker again to make sure you haven't slipped another
error in.

10. Last of all, seriously consider hiring a proofreader.
I happen to believe that it's almost true (not quite,
but almost) that good proofreaders are naturals. You
either have it or you don't. My husband is a smart cookie,
but can't proofread to save his life! If you know you're
a lousy proofreader, save yourself some pain and find
someone who can do the job properly.

Remember that it's all about getting an idea from YOUR
head into SOMEONE ELSE'S head. Without the friction,
the flies and the bad notes!

Good Luck!

Nona Langley is a professional proofreader and owner of Authors from around the world
have used Nona's services to polish and make presentable
their articles, letters and information products. For
more information on proofreading services or how
proofreading can improve your written documents and
help you increase profitability visit

Thursday, October 13, 2005

How to Use Barter to Increase Revenue & Generate Good Will

I will show you how I manage to get dozens of products
without spending cash out of my pocket.

Very few people talk about this strategy for getting free
products. You don't even need to have your own product or
any name recognition to use these methods.

All you have to do when you want something without paying
for it in cash is to give the product owner something else
in exchange.

You will not ever get something without exchanging
something else for it. What people fail to realize is that
you don't have to always exchange cash.

What most successful business owners do is they invest a
percentage of their profits into their business. They buy
either advertising or more products to educate themselves.

A business needs fuel in order to grow. That fuel can come
from either advertising or more time diligently devoted to
growing the business.

As a product owner, I like to make more money in order to
add fuel for my business. Yet, what's better is if I can
skip the process of getting that money and instead get the
fuel instead.

What I mean is that if I can trade my product for
advertising or for help in the daily tasks of my business I
would be glad to exchange my product directly for that fuel.

Here's where you come in. Remember you don't need a product
to do this.

If you have a product, you trade it for the product that
you want which someone else has. If you want web hosting,
you and you have a membership site, you can give the web
host free admission into your site so the web host can
learn from you.

Now here's the problem. If you don't have any products or
you have a product which is not usable by the web host,
then you won't be able to exchange products. What you CAN
do instead is to exchange your labor.

I mean you can work to earn your product. Oh, I know you
don't want to hear that word but there's no such thing as a
free lunch.

If you don't have cash to pay for a product then you must
be willing to do something for the product owner in order
to get that product.

You can do quite a few things to save the product owner
time, and increase their productivity. You can create
graphics for them, write articles, get them joint venture
partners, get them linking partners, make some posts in
forums in their favor, create a mini-ecourse for them to
promote their product.

If you do these things and strike up a deal with the
product owner, you're assured to get on their good side.
Not only will you get a product in exchange for your work,
you will get a potential joint venture partner down the

All it takes is a simple email or two to show the product
owner what you can do for them. You can use this barter
method to get products without spending cash for them.

Get started now!

Gary Huynh has created an automated system to allow product
owners and non-owners alike to trade whatever they have for
products. Visit his new site to see how you can get
products for absolutely no cash.