Monday, October 24, 2005

History Making Marketing Launch!!

Dear Fellow Marketer

I am passing this on to you because you are
someone who I like &trust. You deserve to
own a spot on my team before everything happens.
I do not have ALL of the details yet, but I can
tell you that this has been in the works for
over 3 years and is finally happening. PLEASE
trust me and get a spot by activating a voucher
that I can GIVE you. It is not going to cost
you a DIME. I only have a few weeks to give
away these vouchers and want you to take a position
on my team.
If you would like to take advantage of this offer,
please email me at the following address:

Put "Request Voucher" in the subject line
and I will email you a special code and link
where you can activate a free voucher and
be given a position at no cost. This is not
going to always be like this. Please do this now>

Once you have requested your $199.00 Silver Voucher,
(for free!)I will send you more information about
a new Marketing Alliance that will absolutely turn
the marketing world buzz into a scream. But for now,
take the first step to get into this tremendous
opportunity ahead of a group of over 50,000 that
will soon be put into our downline. They will be in
YOUR downline if you take me up on this offer now.

DO NOT put this off any longer, it could change your
life forever. Email me NOW at:

Jonathan Myers
Internet Marketing Coach

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