Sunday, November 13, 2005

The Holiday Season Is Almost Here

It's getting to be that time of year again. First we have Thanksgiving, in the US at least, then comes the bustling shopping season for Christmas. Everyone will be shopping hard trying to max out all of their credit cards.

Being the brilliant marketer I am, I'm going to help you get lots and lots of gifts for free. Now these may not be something you can pass along to Grandpa, or to Aunt Alice, but more than likely, something you as an Internet Marketer type, will be very glad to get.

I can't spill the beans about this just yet, but keep coming back here and watch for the countdown to begin. I will fill you in on the details a little more as the time gets closer, so keep this site at the top of your "favorites" list, and check back often.

In the meantime, read through the previous posts, and I will continue posting Marketing Tips and Opportunities, so come back daily to read what's new.

Your Marketer-IN-Arms,

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