Saturday, September 03, 2005

Marketing With Your Blog

Do you use your blog for any form of marketing? Even if you use it primarily as a personal log, you can still gain some benefit from doing a minimal amount of marketing on it.

Just a simple link to one of your affiliate websites could have surprising results. Because blogs are so popular with the search engines, as long as you post new content daily or at least weekly, you stand to attract free traffic. That could possibly mean a click on your affiliate link, and maybe a purchase.

It would naturally be best if you had a link to a site that was somewhat related to your blog content. Take for example, if your blog is a simple personal journal, you could link to a website such as In that case, perhaps your visitor came to your blog simply because they share the same last name as you. A link to might get their attention because they would like to find out if perhaps they are related to you.

If you are not doing some form of marketing on your blog, no matter how simple, you are giving up potential income. A link to a popular site makes your blog more attractive to the search engines also. If you happen to use your affiliate link to that site, you might be surprised to actually get a check from them for the first time, just because of that one simple link. If you keep your content constantly updated, you will get traffic from the search engines.

If all goes exceptionally well, you could find yourself earning enough affiliate income to offset the rising cost of gasoline!

If you are new to online marketing, or looking for additional opportunities, click this link.
There you will find a variety of marketing opportunities. You can choose one or more that may interest you.

Check back here often, we will present new marketing tips and resources, including free ebooks and software that will improve your marketing strategies.

If you have a question about a particular marketing related issue, ask about it in the "comments" area below. We will read your question and reply or post a complete article to address the issue.

Thank you,

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